SPS Talk is a physician-targeted podcast series hosted by the Children's Hospitals' Solutions for Patient Safety (SPS) Network. Through transparent sharing of data, successes, and learnings, SPS is working to achieve specific goals to reduce harm in 130+ pediatric hospitals across the United States and Canada.

Tuesday May 29, 2018
The Critical Role of Physician Engagement in the SPS Network
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
If you missed our previously-shared podcast with Dr. Joan Shook, we encourage you to listen to it today. During the 4-minute podcast, Dr. Shook discussed how the role of the physician at her institution has evolved over time as her institution’s involvement in SPS has changed. Physicians are now teaching physicians and engaging them in the very important work of safety.
Texas Children’s Hospital has made tremendous progress in patient safety. Dr. Shook highlighted that her hospital absolutely could not have done this without the engagement of the medical staff at her hospital.

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Physicians Learning from Events: A Key Development Opportunity
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
In this 7-minute podcast, Dr. Anu Subramony, the Chief Quality Officer for Cohen Children’s Medical Center of NY and Vice President for Quality and Safety for Pediatric Services at Northwell Health, shares how in her role she has had the greatest opportunity to listen to frontline staff when they are most vulnerable, when they are describing the events around a deviation or safety event that they were involved in. Dr. Anu Subramony quoted, “These conversations are extremely raw and revealing.”
When a safety event has occurred, obtaining the facts—via a debrief or series of one-on-one interviews—and understanding the scenario is paramount to crafting corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence. On the podcast, Dr. Subramony highlights key methods she uses at her hospital to conduct effective debriefs that destress the discussions and prepare and support the staff involved.
Dr. Subramony quoted, “As a physician lead, it is it our job not only to follow a strict RCA process and develop key corrective actions, but also to lead with the heart; be tolerant of people’s emotions, whether it is sadness, remorse or anger; be understanding; be calm; be forthright; and be honest as it relates to these conversations.”